Our vision for the We remember project

We envisage a multifaceted tribute that reflects the ICRC’s perpetual commitment to honouring staff members who were killed while helping people affected by armed conflict and other violence. The We remember project has both online and physical components: the Remembrance Wall and the memorials around the world. It also has a temporal component in the form of commemorative events, including an annual remembrance ceremony for staff members, families and friends. In commemorating our colleagues who died helping others, the We remember project also serves as an inclusive reflection of the ICRC’s identity and values.
Remembrance Wall
The Remembrance Wall pays tribute to ICRC staff members who were killed in a security incident or an accident while helping people affected by armed conflict and other violence. The period covered dates from the organization’s founding in the 19th century to the present day. We do not have complete information for everyone, particularly those who died many years ago.
To be included on the Remembrance Wall, the staff member in question must have been killed while under the ICRC’s duty of care. For permanent staff members, this means during their working hours, whether at headquarters or in the field; for international staff members, this means from the first to the last day of their assignment. Occupational diseases will be taken into consideration if the disease was caused exclusively or mainly by the staff member's work at the ICRC; such situations are handled confidentially by the ICRC’s Staff Health Unit.
The ICRC medal

Since 2001, ICRC staff members killed in a security incident are posthumously awarded an ICRC medal, which is presented to their family. This is done for all ICRC employees and for other staff under the ICRC’s duty of care.
The inscription reads: “On ne peut pas diminuer l’obscurité, on peut seulement augmenter la lumière.” quote by Doctor Olivier Gonin, Métaphores.
"We cannot reduce the darkness, we can only increase the light".